We ensure the protection of your personal information, and we trust that you must know how it could be used.
This privacy and cookie policy relates to all data collected and your acquaintances. You could approve of using the information you have provided via our websites.
We collect your information for your identification subject to which of our associates you are willing to deal with. Some specifications may vary for recording purposes. Generally, it includes as specified underneath:
During your travel inquiry and trip booking, we grasped some information so that we could respond to you as you requested.
You may share your information while enquiring our websites, by sending us a direct email, by providing information over the phone, by interacting with our public social channels, by subscribing to competitions on our websites, or other party events, market surveys, or by supplying your information to other service providers or agencies. For instance, travel agencies with whom you were associated earlier. We update the required information to ensure optimum accuracy to fulfill the requirement.
Your website visitors will automatically collect information like IP addresses via cookies. We analyze visitors’ behavior also to decide the analytical insights of possible customers. Our cookies policy is stated below to help you.
We collect and utilize your personal information to ensure our best services to you as you require and expect from us. We value our customers and want to facilitate your thorough websites as much as possible. This can include:
If you have chosen to subscribe to newsletter communications from us and at a later stage change your mind, you may at any time eliminate yourself from that email distribution list by;
1. Ticking the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of every email,
2. By forwarding the email, you received to the company email address advertised at the bottom of your email.
Various websites may contain links to other linking websites. Please be aware that you automatically enter another website when you click on one of these links. We request you to read the privacy statements of these links as they could have a disparity with our privacy policy.
You are requested to contact your nearest Peregrines office in case you want to certify or alter the data we have obtained from you. Please be informed that your identity verification is a must to disclose information. Your request for data access will be charged a fee or could be entertained free of cost. Mostly frequent access will be charged nominally.
Your right to obligate using your personal information for promotional activities is where you could erase it. We are obliged to take your consent if we use your personal information for identification, registration, or reservation purposes. You may contact our data security officer directly if you want to specify some information that should not be declared.
Our websites use “cookies” to ease you to personalize your online experience and customize it as you desire. Our prime use of cookies is to save time and provide information quickly. You are free to decide either to accept or decline a cookie.
Cookies help to assemble anonymous information.
For continuous improvement and to ensure its significance to our viewers, we collect anonymous click-based information from each visitor via cookies. It may include time, date, browser type, and IP numbers identifying domain type and geographic location.
You will be able to route our site without cookies permitted. You will also be able to reserve trips and submit forms.
If you have recognized a cookie from a site and later wish to remove it, you can learn how to do it. Warning: Depending on the procedure followed, removing cookies may eliminate all cookies from all sites visited, which may be undesirable.
Card security
We provide a harmless and secure e-commerce environment. We protect the security of your credit card data with the following actions:
We have nominated a Data Protection Officer who is liable for controlling any complaints you may have about how we handle your confidentiality.
Suppose you have a protest concerning our performance and believe your confidentiality has been compromised or breached. In that case, you must direct your complaint in writing to our Data Protection Officer at the following addresses:
Email: pradip@peregrinetreks.com
Post to: Peregrine Treks and Expedition Pvt Ltd, Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
Our Data Protection Officer will be connected with you within 1-2 days of receiving your objection to discuss your fears further and assist you with a settled path to resolve.
We welcome the Privacy Amendments (Private Sector) Act 2000 (and the subsequent amendments to this Act) and the 10 Privacy Principles that the Act introduces, as well as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Please get in touch with our nearest office if you have any queries, concerns, or comments about our Privacy Policy.
We will regularly update this Privacy and Cookies Policy to reflect company and customer feedback. We encourage you to review this page sporadically to inform us how we protect your information.